Workshop #1 | Earth Chakra (Roots & Recapitulation)
Welcome to the Ahimsa Warrior Gallery and Blog!
Ahimsa means nonviolence. This workshop is for people who work for peace within themselves, knowing that it ripples outward to create peace in the world.
When I first thought of names for this group – Survivors came to mind. We have all survived something… whether it be an illness, an addiction, a relationship or childhood; we have persevered to be here today.
But on second thought, the term ‘survivors’ implied a sense of victimhood; which is not the intent at all. I chose the word Warrior because, by their very nature, a Warrior is a survivor. The good ones survive again and again, always rising to the occasion of the next challenge.
Dealing with trauma is challenging, and recovering is a battle we face again and again. These workshops are designed to teach us how to channel the energy of our past into artwork.
This month we addressed our Roots. Can we go back to our Roots to reclaim some of the energy lost to the past?
The themes that came through from our discussion were:
Decay and liberation
Rebirth and
The Phoenix rising from its ashes