How to Tune in With Your Crystal
Disclaimer: This article alludes to crystal healing properties, however they should not be used to cure ailments, diseases, etc. They are meant to be used as a spiritual supplementary tool only.
Want to hone your psychic abilities? Tuning in with your crystal is a great way to get started. Together, we will explore how to practice clairsentience to both divine the healing properties of crystals and feel a connection with them. If we trace its French etymology, we learn that clairsentience means “clear feeling.” This refers to the psychic ability to intuitively pick up subtle feelings and energies. Crystals are thought to have unique healing properties, which makes them the perfect tool to practice clairsentience with. In doing this, we also gain the ability to discern which crystals to buy, and to engage with them once they are in our home.
Before you start: Find a few different types of crystals with a range of healing properties. Since crystals are said to absorb or redirect negative energy, it also helps to cleanse your crystal beforehand, if you are practicing this at home.
Find a Quiet Place to Reflect
The first step is to find a quiet place to reflect, so you can clear distractions and focus on your crystal. At home, you’ll want to get as comfortable as you can and get into a seated position. If you’re in a New Age Crystal shop, this can be a little more challenging to do. In this case, it helps to stand in a remote corner so that you are out of the way of traffic flow.
2. Decide on a Crystal, and Hold it in your Hand
For this exercise, it helps to focus on one crystal at a time, to avoid getting multiple signals. Let your intuition guide you to a crystal, or simply choose a crystal you feel curious about. Gently place the crystal in the palm of your hand. Get tactile with the crystal–if it is rough, feel its edges. If it is smooth, flip it a few times in your hand and feel it with your thumb.
3.Clear your Mind
It is best to enter a clear and meditative state, to clear your mind and enter a focused state. If you have intrusive thoughts, simply observe them and let them pass by without judgment. In this state you will be more likely to accept any intuitive sensations you receive about the crystal.
4. Close your Eyes
It has been observed that the loss of one sense can enhance another. Vision is often considered the strongest of the physical senses, because humans tend to rely more on it to gain information on their surroundings. Much like with meditation, the idea is to close your eyes so that you shift your focus from physical sensation to internal processes. Closing your eyes may enhance your abilities of psychic perception.
5. Observe
Now that you have entered the ideal state of mind, it is time to observe. What sensations do you feel, and how are they different from your normal state? Do you feel a sense of calm, a quietude, or a surging sense of confidence? Do your best to define the sensation. It may be a nebulous sensation at first, such as warm or cool, but over time the sensation should become more clear, particularly as you gain more experience. You’ll learn what sensations are associated with different healing properties.
As an added bonus, you can play a guessing game with your crystals. Blindly choose a crystal and try to guess which properties it has based on the sensations that you notice. When you are finished, open your eyes to see if you got it right!