11:00 AM11:00

Workshop #8 - Crown Chakra (Anger Part 2)

Saturday, May 18th, 2024, 11:00 am - 12:30 pm central (12 pm eastern, 10 am mountain and 9 am pacific)

Anger… the emotion no one wants to talk about. No one wants to cope with, deal with or regret it either. But we do. Every day. And more often than not, our anger is directed towards ourselves.

We discussed Anger in April in relation to our Third Eye Chakra. Feeling anger can immediately bring us downward so that we’re operating in the lower chakras, draining energy from our intuition and insight, sometimes blocking them completely.

We addressed outward anger, feeling rage and the emotional effects that can have. For part two of this series, we’ll activate our Crown Chakra and discuss anger directed inward, our ‘negative reel’, and how these emotions can detract from our connection to others and the Divine.

So how do we cope with negative self-talk?

We ‘ll talk about this and make some artwork :)

We’ll start with bright colors: white, silver, lavender, hot pink and anything florescent.

Choose the medium you'd like to work with (textiles, clay, chalk, ink, paint…), and bring a journal or paper and something to write with.


Donate through Ahimsa or one of the causes on the Ahimsa Giving page.

We understand that trying times may not allow you to donate at all workshops and that’s okay. Just sign up :)

 You can also donate through Cash App with the QR Code here.

Ahimsa means nonviolence. A Warrior is someone who survives. An Ahimsa Warrior is one who can do this nonviolently. Dealing with trauma is challenging, and recovering is a battle we face again and again.

This workshop is intended for those who work for peace within themselves, knowing that it ripples outward to create peace in the world. It is designed to teach us how to channel the energy of our past into artwork that heals.

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9:00 PM21:00

Taurus New Moon Meditation

What do you value?

Are you feeling valued in your daily life? How do you adjust if you aren’t?

Pay attention to things that are stagnant or possess ‘old’ energy. Give these things new life or pass them on to their next assignment.

This applies to jobs and relationships too. Are they feeding you or bleeding you? Is it a nourishment for your soul, or does it take a great deal of energy for every interaction? This can be an indicator that something needs to change….

“You may need to reevaluate what is necessary as opposed to what is expected and go from there.” ~ Lena Stevens,The Power Path

Join us for a moment of pause Tuesday night. Set intentions, write in your journal, or just ‘be’ for a few minutes.

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12:00 PM12:00

Workshop #7 - Third Eye Chakra (Anger)

Saturday, April 27th, 2024, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM central (1 pm eastern, 11 am mountain and 10 am pacific)

Anger… the emotion no one wants to talk about. No one wants to cope with, deal with or regret it either. But we do. Every day. And more often than not, our anger is directed towards ourselves.

While anger is one of our primal emotions, I chose to address it together with our Third Eye Chakra. Feeling anger can immediately bring us downward so that we’re operating in the lower chakras, draining energy from our intuition and insight, sometimes blocking them completely. So how do we navigate and respect our anger?

We ‘ll talk about this and make some artwork :)

We’ll start with deep and rich colors like dark blue, navy, indigo, purple and violet. Bring with you a medium to work with (textiles, clay, chalk, ink, paint…), and a journal or paper and something to write with.


Donate through Ahimsa or one of the causes on the Ahimsa Giving page.

We understand that trying times may not allow you to donate at all workshops and that’s okay. Just sign up :)

 You can also donate through Cash App with the QR Code here.

Ahimsa means nonviolence. A Warrior is someone who survives. An Ahimsa Warrior is one who can do this nonviolently. Dealing with trauma is challenging, and recovering is a battle we face again and again.

This workshop is intended for those who work for peace within themselves, knowing that it ripples outward to create peace in the world. It is designed to teach us how to channel the energy of our past into artwork that heals.

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8:30 PM20:30

Scorpio Pink Moon Meditation (Home)

This pink moon follows the powerful wave of the eclipse and brings with it some opportunities for evolution. Look for miracles and magic within the chaos.

With our Earth theme this week, we’re thinking of the concept of ‘home’. Our home planet gives us a place to stand. Our four walls give us a place to live and be. Our bodies give our soul a space in which to travel. When we nurture and cherish these spaces, our lives transform.

Take some time to be in the moonlight during or after this meditation. This light can have regenerative effects and brings its own sense of calm and peace.

Join us Tuesday evening for a 5-20 minute self-guided meditation. Meditate at home with the energy of a group.

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11:22 AM11:22

Earth Day Meditation (Patience)

Lao Tzu once said, “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.”

For this Earth Day meditation, let’s practice ‘Earthing’ (or ‘Grounding’). Whether you’re at home, work or someplace else, take some time to walk outside. When you find a place of rest, try touching your bare feet or hands to the Earth. Sit for a moment and listen to the sounds around you. Feel the sun or rain or wind, whatever Nature may have lined up for you in that particular moment.

In our modern world, we live in a state of  impatience, wanting to accomplish our tasks and not wanting to wait for the things we desire. But when we connect with the Earth in this way, we are given an insight into Divine timing… and we feel the frequency of our origin and home.

Join us midday (or anytime this Earth day) to connect with and appreciate our amazing planet and the gifts she gives us. Meditate for 5 to 20 minutes, or just take a few deep breaths and connect with the energy of our group.

If you’d like to enjoy a special Earth Day chakra balancing, join us at ming + ming this Wednesday for our live class on Zoom.

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11:11 AM11:11

Aries New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse Meditation

Monday, April 8th at 11:11 am central

As we surrender to the transformative energy of this new supermoon & eclipse, we may find our lives headed in an entirely new direction. Doors may open that were not evident before and we have the opportunity to reframe our intentions in a way that contributes to our future success.

Stay in the present moment as much as possible and take some time to heal old wounds so you can move forward with ease.

Join us for a moment of introspection before the peak of the eclipse on Monday. Meditate for one to twenty minutes and connect with the energy of our group. 

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12:00 PM12:00

Workshop #6 - Throat Chakra (Fear)

Saturday, March 30th, 2024, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM central (1 pm eastern, 11 am mountain and 10 am pacific)

We’re taught through the movies that fear is a series of jump scares and spooky music, but fear plays an unavoidable role in our daily lives. Anxiety is fear. Worries are fear. The news and even the weather can be based in fear. And every trauma we process brings with it fears that need to be addressed.

How do we navigate this underlying current of fear in our lives? We’ll talk about this and make some artwork.

We’ll be activating our Throat Chakra by starting with colors in the blue family - turquoise, aqua, sky blue, royal blue, plus white and silver. Bring a journal and something to write with, and the medium of your choice - paint, clay, chalk, cross-stitch, etc.


Donate through Ahimsa or one of the causes on the Ahimsa Giving page.

We understand that trying times may not allow you to donate at all workshops and that’s okay. Just sign up :)

 You can also donate through Cash App with the QR Code here.

Ahimsa means nonviolence. A Warrior is someone who survives. An Ahimsa Warrior is one who can do this nonviolently. Dealing with trauma is challenging, and recovering is a battle we face again and again.

This workshop is intended for those who work for peace within themselves, knowing that it ripples outward to create peace in the world. It is designed to teach us how to channel the energy of our past into artwork that heals.

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2:00 PM14:00

Libra Worm Moon & Lunar Eclipse Meditation (relationships)

Sunday, March 24th at 2 pm central

When we take a look at our relationships, not only with other people, but with patterns, vices and attitudes… what is reflected back to us? What are the needs we have, and where have we been giving our power away?

Are there any relationships that may be in need a creative revamp in order to serve our highest good? Can we take the reins in our lives? Eclipse season opens the door to transformation and the eclipses this year are especially powerful.

Join us Sunday afternoon at 2 pm central for a mediation to initiate our inner work this full moon. Meditate at home with the energy of a group.

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9:00 PM21:00

Equinox Meditation (Anchor)

Tuesday, March 19th at 9 pm central

The Equinox is a doorway to your dreams. And this particular Equinox anchors in a pivot point on your path. Choose which direction you would like to proceed – maybe you would like to create something new… or have a second chance at something you have not yet accomplished.

Create a ceremony of some sort for yourself. It can be letting go of things ready for closure, practicing self-care, or sending well wishes to those in need. Mark this point as a change in the wind.

Join us at 9pm central on Tuesday, March 19th for a self-guided meditation for 5 – 20 minutes. Meditate at home with the energy of a group.

If you would like to join us at ming + ming for a special Equinox chakra balancing, just sign up for the Wednesday class (March 20th) at 7pm central.

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4:00 PM16:00

New Moon Meditation (Choices)

This new moon invites creativity and wonder, dreams and plans. It also asks us to re-evaluate our relationships – with people, things and methods.

Are we getting what we actually want from what we are doing? Is there a way to streamline our lives and stand up for what we need? Letting go is always an option. Choose where your path leads next.

Join us for a group meditation at 4pm central on Saturday leading up to the new moon. Close your eyes for 5 to 20 minutes and connect with the energy of the group. Then try some creative journal writing, artwork, or clearing for a boost this new moon.

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7:29 PM19:29

Leap Year - Day Out of Time - Meditation (Movement)

“Your personal environment is part of your foundation so make sure you are paying attention to the aspects of balance, stability, support and trust. Do you feel good where you are? Be conscious of the flow of energy and if it takes on a symbolic expression like your electrical system shorting out or your plumbing either leaking or clogging or cracks appearing in your walls, ceiling or floor.” ~Lena Stevens,

Make sure your Dragon can move easily in your space by clearing, sorting and deciding what belongs and what is ready to move on. Simplicity is a challenge in this modern world… but will be to your benefit in the end.

Join us for a special Leap Year meditation to collect our thoughts and refocus on the stillness that brings us peace. We’ll start a self-guided meditation for 2-20 minutes Thursday at 7:29 pm central. This will be in tandem with our ming + ming guided meditation class starting at 7 pm central. Meditate at home with the energy of a group.

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5:30 PM17:30

Virgo Snow Moon Meditation

Friday, February 23rd at 5:30 pm central

It’s time to Level Up this Virgo full moon. Make room for improvements that lead to more freedom and expansion into the unknown.

You may notice closure on things that are not working for your highest good or feel the need to set some boundaries to protect your physical and emotional well-being.

Tune into what your body and spirit are telling you to move forward with confidence.

Join us at 5:30 pm central this Friday to usher in this new energy with a self-guided group meditation for five to twenty minutes. Meditate at home with the energy of a group.

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12:00 PM12:00

Workshop #5 - Heart Chakra (Grief)

Saturday, February 10, 2024, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM central (1 pm eastern, 11 am mountain and 10 am pacific)

Our next workshop is coming up! During this workshop we’ll be activating our Heart Chakra and discussing ‘Grief’.

In what ways do we process our grief? Grief is not only limited to the loss of a loved one. We experience grief in many ways in our daily lives, and how we are able to cope makes all the difference.

 We’ll discuss this topic and make some artwork :)

 We’ll be working with the Heart Chakra and starting with greens (lime, emerald, forest) and turquoise, pinks and iridescent colors if you have them.

Be sure to bring a journal (or paper) and something to write with as well as the medium of your choice (paint, clay, chalk, pencils, etc.).

Suggested donation of $10

Donate through Ahimsa or one of the causes on the Ahimsa Giving page.

We understand that trying times may not allow you to donate at all workshops and that’s okay. Just sign up :)

 You can also donate through Cash App with the QR Code here.


This workshop is intended for those who work for peace within themselves, knowing that it ripples outward to create peace in the world. It is designed to teach us how to channel the energy of our past into artwork that heals.

Ahimsa means nonviolence. A Warrior is someone who survives. An Ahimsa Warrior is one who can do this nonviolently. Dealing with trauma is challenging, and recovering is a battle we face again and again.



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4:30 PM16:30

Year of the Wood Dragon Lunar New Year Meditation

It may be a time of upheaval as our inner dragons are activated this Lunar New Year.

This powerful energy of growth brought by the year of the Yang Wood Dragon can make us really pay attention to what we need to stay balanced. Movement and connection to the Earth are a good place to start…

What materials do we need to build a good foundation? Make some choices on what to bring with you from the past and what to create.

Join us Friday evening for a self-guided meditation to reset our minds and bodies and to set intentions for the year ahead. Meditate at home with the energy of a group. If you’d like to try a guided meditation or chakra balancing, check out the library of recordings at ming + ming.

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11:53 AM11:53

Leo Wolf Moon Meditation (What if?)

Leo Wolf Moon Meditation

Thursday, January 25th at 11:53am central

Is it possible to carve out space for yourself during this important time of expansion? What is it you love to do?

Sometimes we may feel blockages holding us back from asking ‘what if?’. This full moon is the time to see these densities with clarity and start the task of clearing them. Is there a way to integrate playfulness, joy and your passions into this work?

The energy of this Wolf Moon will help to clear the path.

Join us in quiet contemplation this Thursday at 11:53 am central as we meditate for 5 to 20 minutes at home (or wherever you are) with the energy of a group.

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12:00 PM12:00

Workshop #4 - Solar Plexus Chakra (Standing in Your Truth)

Our next healing workshop is coming up on Saturday, January 13th at 12 pm central, 1 pm eastern, 11 am mountain and 10 am pacific.

During this workshop we’ll be activating our Solar Plexus Chakra and discussing ‘Standing in Your Truth’.

Standing in your truth means shining as your authentic Self.

In a world that rewards the pleasing of others, we often can be lead away from our true paths. Trying to avoid judgement or conforming to fit in are ways that we put our authentic Selves on the back burner.

What are the opinions and values at our core? What are the things that bring us back to our Truth?


We’ll talk about this topic and make some artwork :)


We’ll be working with the Solar Plexus Chakra and starting with yellow colors, bright and pastel, golds, whites and silver.

Be sure to bring a journal (or paper) and something to write with as well as the medium of your choice (paint, clay, chalk, pencils, etc.).

Regardless of your artistic ability, when you are working from emotion, each piece will contain a message specifically for you.

A suggested donation of $10 can be paid directly to Ahimsa or to the causes on the Ahimsa Giving page. We understand that trying times may not allow you to donate at all workshops and that’s okay. Just sign up :) Sometimes what we offer the world is different and greater than money.

Donate Here

Ahimsa means nonviolence. A Warrior is someone who survives. An Ahimsa Warrior is one who can do this nonviolently. Dealing with trauma is challenging, and recovering is a battle we face again and again.

This workshop is intended for people who work for peace within themselves, knowing that it ripples outward to create peace in the world. It is designed to teach us how to channel the energy of our past into artwork that heals.

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7:47 PM19:47

Capricorn New Moon Meditation (Flex)

Thursday, January 11th at 7:47 pm

It’s time to think about what our desires really are. If we were to make a list of these desires, what would it say?

How do our values play into these wants and needs? And are we willing to put the work in once we request them from the Universe?

Join us in quiet contemplation this Thursday night at 7:47 pm central for our self-guided group meditation. If you would like to try a guided meditation, join our ming + ming group at 7 pm central.

Meditate at home with the energy of a group.

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5:33 PM17:33

Cancer Snow Moon Meditation (Direction)

Tuesday, December 26th at 5:33 pm central

“Life is a balance of holding on and letting go.”

~ Rumi

As we prepare to enter 2024, it can be helpful to be selective of the people with whom we spend our time. Being with those of a similar frequency is nurturing and a good boost to fuel your resolutions.

Use the energy of this full moon to make a gratitude list of lessons you’ve learned over the year, and projects or dreams that can be released in order to free up time and space in the future.

Sometimes we outgrow the wishes of the past, and consciously letting go can help us to learn more about ourselves and the direction we’d like to go.

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9:27 PM21:27

Solstice Meditation (Shift)

Thursday, December 21 at 9:27 pm central

“Stay in your lane” is a phrase usually seen at construction sites. The path has changed. It’s clearly marked, but we don’t want you veering off into the traffic cones.

Another way of putting this is “tend your own garden” - a way to bring responsibility back to ourselves, letting others experience their own journey in their own way.

The Solstice offers a pivot point where you can make some decisions and set intentions for a long span of time in the future. Let go of the things that hinder you (the energy leaks and the clutter) and nourish the things that feed your soul.

“If you feel mentally confused about what is yours and what isn’t, it may be time to clear out other people’s energy, ideas and expectations out of your space.” ~ Lena Stevens, The Power Path

Join us for a self-guided meditation on Thursday night for 5-20 minutes… or take part in a special Solstice Chakra Balancing meditation with Laurie on Wednesday at 7 pm central or a guided meditation and round robin with Ming-Wai on Thursday at 7 pm central. Sign up at ming + ming.

Happy Solstice!

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7:27 PM19:27

Solstice Meditation (Shift)

Thursday, December 21 at 7:27 pm central

“Stay in your lane” is a phrase usually seen at construction sites. The path has changed. It’s clearly marked, but we don’t want you veering off into the traffic cones.

Another way of putting this is “tend your own garden” - a way to bring responsibility back to ourselves, letting others experience their own journey in their own way.

The Solstice offers a pivot point where you can make some decisions and set intentions for a long span of time in the future. Let go of the things that hinder you (the energy leaks and the clutter) and nourish the things that feed your soul.

“If you feel mentally confused about what is yours and what isn’t, it may be time to clear out other people’s energy, ideas and expectations out of your space.” ~ Lena Stevens, The Power Path

Join us for a self-guided meditation on Thursday night for 5-20 minutes… or take part in a special Solstice Chakra Balancing meditation with Laurie on Wednesday at 7 pm central or a guided meditation and round robin with Ming-Wai on Thursday at 7 pm central. Sign up at ming + ming.

Happy Solstice!

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8:32 PM20:32

Sagittarius New Moon Meditation - Value

Sagittarius New Moon Meditation - Value

Are we adding value into our lives? What are our values? And what do we value?

It’s a time of completion, rather than a time of planning and dreaming. And with Mercury going retrograde on the 13th, we may feel a current of energy that will help us in completing our tasks and projects.  With every technology frustration or plan cancelled, there is an opportunity for growth.

Join us for a self-guided meditation at home or wherever you are tonight at 8:32pm central.

If you’d like a guided meditation this week, join us at ming + ming on Wednesday and Thursday at 7pm central.

Meditate at home with the energy of a group.

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12:00 PM12:00

Ahimsa Warrior Workshop #3 - Foes (Sacral Chakra)

Bare Bulb Chandelier

Ahimsa means nonviolence. A Warrior is someone who survives. An Ahimsa Warrior is one who can do this nonviolently. Dealing with trauma is challenging, and recovering is a battle we face again and again.

This workshop is intended for people who work for peace within themselves, knowing that it ripples outward to create peace in the world. It is designed to teach us how to channel the energy of our past into artwork that heals.

Our foes…we all have them. The people or things that we do battle with on the regular - be they family, friends, co-workers, clutter… those that challenge and trigger us, keeping us repeating conversations or thinking about what we should’ve done.


Are foes friendly sparring partners or sworn enemies? Can they be both? And can we also be our own greatest foes? What is a foe?


We’ll talk about this topic and make some artwork :)

Our next healing workshop is coming up on Saturday, December 9th at 12 pm central, 1 pm eastern, 11 am mountain and 10 am pacific.

We’ll be working with the Sacral Chakra and starting with orange colors and bright reds, copper tones and metallics. Be sure to bring a journal (or paper) and something to write with as well as the medium of your choice (paint, clay, chalk, pencils, etc.).

Regardless of your artistic ability, when you are working from emotion, each piece will contain a message specifically for you.

A suggested donation of $10 can be paid directly to Ahimsa or to the causes on the Ahimsa Giving page. We understand that trying times may not allow you to donate at all workshops and that’s okay. Just sign up :)

Proceeds from this month’s class will be donated to the Cilla Whatcott Medical Fund. Read more here.

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