Mosquito Salve

In my first aid kit, this salve competes with hydrocortisone for an anti-itch solution for bug bites. I started making this as a natural deodorant, and found it helped stop the itch of mosquito bites. The baking soda neutralizes bacteria and gently exfoliates your skin. The arrowroot draws out toxins; and the coconut oil, olive oil, grapeseed oil and aloe vera are antioxidant, antibacterial and healing.

  • 1 Tablespoon baking soda

  • 6 Tablespoon arrowroot

  • 2 Tablespoon + coconut oil or olive oil {or a combination of both}

  • 1 teaspoon aloe vera {optional}


Slice your aloe vera leaf {if using} down the center longwise and gently scrape juice out with a spoon, alternately use an aloe liquid or gel. Make sure to mix powders well before adding oil and aloe. Add enough oil to make a paste. I like to add 2 Tablespoons coconut oil and 1 teaspoon olive or grapeseed oil to help make it smooth.

Apply with your fingers and rub in a circular pattern.