Wabi Sabi

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Simple February Practices

I hope you had a good Valentine’s Day loves, for those who practice–be that with another person or in the form of self care. Though the month is halfway through and Valentine’s Day is over, there are still some ways we can harness February energy for the rest of the month. Per this month’s tarot forecast, the primary energies we want to work with are love and inner cleansing. Working with these energies is rooted in ancient practice, which makes them all the more powerful to work with. Let’s look at some modern ways that we can incorporate practice into our daily (perhaps busy) lives. 

How can we practice love?

Enhancing love can be as simple as incorporating a few small practices into our daily lives. For example, it doesn’t require a cacao ceremony for us to tune into the cacao's healing energy. We can open our day by intentionally preparing our cacao and thinking of our visions for love, or drink chocolate flavored tea. If we wanted to broaden this out into a morning routine, we could bring out a rose quartz crystal and journal while we sip our cacao or chocolate tea drink. Another small way to enhance our love practice is to open our day with a heart chakra meditation. When starting a new practice, it is more important to incorporate small and sustainable practices than nothing at all. 

How can we practice inner cleansing? 

February used to be the last month in the year, and was used as an opportunity to spiritually wipe the slate clean before entering the new year which started in the spring. We can consider this month a “pre-spring cleaning” for our souls. One of the most helpful ways to practice inner cleansing is to do a cord-cutting exercise, guided meditation, or guided ASMR session. This can be done once, weekly, or however many times we feel called to do so. In terms of daily practice, a short 5-10 minute daily meditation–be it breathwork, guided, etc—is a great way to practice stillness of the mind. We learn to set aside our issues, if only for the moment, and they begin to release their pervasive hold on us. 

During our daily showers, we can imagine the water washing away our negative beliefs about ourselves. Baths are another excellent way to inner cleanse–we can make our own limpia, add a premade mix (Athena’s Candles at Chicago has some floor washes for specific intentions that double as a bath product), or add two pounds of Epsom salt to our baths. If using the premade mix, you can use one half of the bottle for your bath and the other half for cleaning the house. “As without so within” suggests our surrounding environment is reflective of our inner selves, so we can also benefit from a house clearing. While it is recommended to do a deep cleanse of the house first, a simpler way to go about it is to mop with the premade floor wash solution. Personally, I find it difficult to hold an intention silently while cleaning, so putting on positive frequency music is helpful during this exercise. Last but not least, we can smudge the house with incense for an added layer of cleansing. 

Even adding one or two small practices to our lives, for a few minutes a day, can make noticeable shifts in our lives. We may find ourselves making breakthroughs in areas where we previously felt stuck. This is the power of inner cleansing. It will be just the clean slate and the inspiration we need before stepping into the next month. 

Until March,

Angel Intentions