7:00 PM19:00

ming + ming pet-inclusive with Laurie

Take a breath… and relax with your pets (and the pets of others)…

wednesdays 8pm et | 5pm pt

​ming + ming meditation teaches you mindfulness techniques to use in your life.

Laurie's meditation style is influenced by nature, animals, and healing through chakras.

Come join us in this gentle + pet inclusive space.

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12:00 PM12:00

Ahimsa Warrior Workshop #16 - Root Chakra | Nostalgia

Saturday, January 25th at 12:00 pm central, 10:00 am mountain, 9:00 am pacific and 1:00 pm eastern (90 minutes)

Nostalgia is a double-edged sword. It’s a necessary element that connects with our roots and our past… but are there times when we find ourselves wading through boxes of who we once were?

Does Nostalgia help us or hinder us? How do we use discernment in what we keep? And how can we use Nostalgia to create joy and enrich our lives?

For this workshop, bring with you:

  • a notebook or sheet of paper

  • something to write with

  • medium of your choice and any materials needed to work with it (i.e. canvas, paint, clay, handwork, pens, markers, etc. - anything you feel is a creative outlet)

  • Red colors like burgundy, brick, maroon and crimson

Ahimsa means nonviolence. A Warrior is someone who survives again and again. An Ahimsa Warrior is one who can do this nonviolently. Dealing with trauma is challenging, and recovering is a battle we face again and again.

This workshop is intended for those who work for peace within themselves, knowing that it ripples outward to create peace in the world. It is designed to teach us how to channel the energy of our past into artwork that heals.

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7:00 PM19:00

ming + ming pet-inclusive with Laurie

Take a breath… and relax with your pets (and the pets of others)…

This week we’ll be doing a meditation that supports the theme of ‘Courage’ following our full Wolf Moon on Monday.

wednesdays 8pm et | 5pm pt

​ming + ming meditation teaches you mindfulness techniques to use in your life.

Laurie's meditation style is influenced by nature, animals, and healing through chakras.

Come join us in this gentle + pet inclusive space.

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4:00 PM16:00

Full Wolf Moon in Cancer Meditation (Courage)

Full Wolf Moon in Cancer Meditation (Courage)

Monday, January 13th at 4:00 pm central

“Sometimes it is the people who are closest to you that have the greatest resistance to your change and evolution.” ~ Lena Stevens, The Power Path

Having the courage to say ‘No’ to something that is out of your alignment can be a challenging task… But making the effort to do things you really value is worth it.

What is important in your family-life, work and passion projects? Where would you like to put your energy?

Join us Monday afternoon for a moment of quiet contemplation. Set the intention to connect with the energy of our group, and meditate for a few minutes or more.

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7:00 PM19:00

ming + ming pet-inclusive with Laurie

Take a breath… and relax with your pets (and the pets of others)…

This week we’ll be doing a Chakra Balancing for the New Year!

wednesdays 8pm et | 5pm pt

​ming + ming meditation teaches you mindfulness techniques to use in your life.

Laurie's meditation style is influenced by nature, animals, and healing through chakras.

Come join us in this gentle + pet inclusive space.

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4:00 PM16:00

Capricorn New Moon Meditation (Release)

Capricorn New Moon Meditation (Release)
Monday, December 30th at 4pm central (5pm eastern) (3pm mountain) (2pm pacific)

As we continue to tune into what makes us authentically ourselves, we find a second new moon in December (for those in central and eastern time zones). What makes this new moon so powerful is that it stands at the gateway to a new year. What are the things that we will leave behind as we step forward into 2025?

Are there judgements or disappointments? Unrealized dreams or incomplete projects that no longer fit? Make a list of these things, and then try another one with intentions for positive change you would like to achieve.

Deeper than resolutions, this moon invites us to recalibrate our core values so that we may continue to be the best version of ourselves.

Happy New Year! Thank you for being with our group and working for peace. Many blessings in 2025!

Join us Monday, December 30th at 4pm central (5pm eastern) (3pm mountain) (2pm pacific) for a moment of calm within the bustle of the holidays. Sit with your eyes closed and your breath deep for a few minutes or more and tune into the true You.

Some suggestions for mantras and meditations:

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3:00 PM15:00

Solstice Meditation (Simplify)

Solstice Meditation (Simplify)
Saturday, December 21st at 3:00 pm central

How can we simplify our lives? And can we find joy in simplicity? The time of the solstice is a cycle ending and a new vision emerging. Decide what is past its time in your life and set intentions on what you would like to enter.

To quote my friend Todd… “Stop letting ugly things into your life.” (This includes negative people and others’ issues.) What do you wish for? What’s in the way?

If creativity and discussion are things that bring you into balance, join us for an Art Healing Workshop on the Solstice, Saturday, December 21st at 12:00 pm central (1pm eastern, 11 am mountain, and 10 am pacific).We’ll be talking about the concept of Joy and making some amazing artwork.

If you’d just like to join the energy of our group, sit by the fire or wherever you are at 3:00 pm central (4pm eastern, 2pm mountain, and 1pm pacific) and close your eyes for a minute or two.

Happy Holidays and much gratitude for the work you’ve done for peace within yourself and the world this year.

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12:00 PM12:00

Ahimsa Warrior Workshop #15 - Sacral Chakra | Joy

Saturday, December 21st at 12:00 pm central, 10:00 am mountain, 9:00 am pacific and 1:00 pm eastern (90 minutes)

Joy – it seems fleeting, transitory… only in the absence of stress and grief can we feel it.

Joy is really pumped up this time of year… as if all the holiday hubbub compels us feel joy.

But that’s not it. We feel real joy when we are content with where we are – when we’re doing or seeing something we love. Joy comes in the breaks we take and the things we savor like our favorite cup of tea.

For this workshop, we’ll be activating our Sacral Chakra, the seat of our creativity and passion, and talking about how joy plays out in our lives and what we can do consciously to visit with it.

For this workshop, bring with you:

  • 1 notebook or sheet of paper

  • Something to write with

  • A medium of your choice and any materials needed to work with it (i.e. canvas, paint, clay, handwork, pens, markers)

  • The colors, oranges, gold, bronze, brick red and anything that feels warm and comforting…

Ahimsa means nonviolence. A Warrior is someone who survives again and again. An Ahimsa Warrior is one who can do this nonviolently. Dealing with trauma is challenging, and recovering is a battle we face again and again.

This workshop is intended for those who work for peace within themselves, knowing that it ripples outward to create peace in the world. It is designed to teach us how to channel the energy of our past into artwork that heals.

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7:00 PM19:00

ming + ming pet-inclusive with Laurie

Take a breath… and relax with your pets (and the pets of others)…

This week we’ll be doing a Chakra Balancing in preparation for the Winter Solstice.

wednesdays 8pm et | 5pm pt

​ming + ming meditation teaches you mindfulness techniques to use in your life.

Laurie's meditation style is influenced by nature, animals, and healing through chakras.

Come join us in this gentle + pet inclusive space.

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3:00 PM15:00

Gemini Cold Moon Meditation

Sometimes we have to set the intention to recalibrate. This full moon leading up the Solstice is one of introspection and observation. What is it that will bring you back to your center? What have you noticed that brings you away from it?

On our journey, how often do we rest and reset? These times of peace make it possible to recalibrate.

Join us for moment of rest Sunday, December 15th. Sit for a minute or two and close your eyes. Tune into your breath and turn your aim to the direction you would like to go.

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7:00 PM19:00

ming + ming pet-inclusive with Laurie

Take a breath… and relax with your pets (and the pets of others)…

This week we’ll be doing a full moon mediation for the upcoming Cold Moon.

wednesdays 8pm et | 5pm pt

​ming + ming meditation teaches you mindfulness techniques to use in your life.

Laurie's meditation style is influenced by nature, animals, and healing through chakras.

Come join us in this gentle + pet inclusive space.

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7:00 PM19:00

ming + ming pet-inclusive with Laurie

Take a breath… and relax with your pets (and the pets of others)…

wednesdays 8pm et | 5pm pt

​ming + ming meditation teaches you mindfulness techniques to use in your life.

Laurie's meditation style is influenced by nature, animals, and healing through chakras.

Come join us in this gentle + pet inclusive space.

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12:00 PM12:00

Sagittarius New Moon Meditation (Aim)

With this new moon in the sign of the Archer, it’s time to take aim. Are there hidden aspirations from our past that need a seat at the table? In which direction are we heading?

“Be clear about what you want and set a strong container for realizing your intention.” ~ Lena Stevens, The Power Path

Let’s take a moment to think about what’s next. Join us for a moment of contemplation this Sunday. Take a few deep breaths or sit comfortably for 5 to 20 minutes, connecting with the energy of our group.

Sending you all much love, gratitude and appreciation this holiday season.

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12:00 PM12:00

Workshop #14 | Solar Plexus Chakra (Love)

Saturday, November 23rd at 12:00 pm central, 10:00 am mountain, 9:00 am pacific and 1:00 pm eastern (90 minutes)

“What’s Love got to do with it?” ~ Tina Turner

Well, everything. When we’re in love we’re walking on air, but the double edge of this sword is that lack of Love causes much of the suffering in our lives. And it doesn’t have to be romantic – the difference between loving your job or not is huge.

I chose the Solar Plexus Chakra for this topic because Love has a lot to do with how we feel and use our power, and the Solar Plexus Chakra is our seat of power. Love is a fundamental part of us, and it holds a lot of the energy in our lives.

For this workshop, bring with you:

  • 1 notebook or sheet of paper

  • Something to write with

  • A medium of your choice and any materials needed to work with it (i.e. canvas, paint, clay, handwork, pens, markers)

  • The colors, yellow, gold, butter, neon, white, black and anything that feels electric…


Ahimsa means nonviolence. A Warrior is someone who survives again and again. An Ahimsa Warrior is one who can do this nonviolently. Dealing with trauma is challenging, and recovering is a battle we face again and again.

This workshop is intended for those who work for peace within themselves, knowing that it ripples outward to create peace in the world. It is designed to teach us how to channel the energy of our past into artwork that heals.

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7:00 PM19:00

ming + ming pet-inclusive Chakra Balancing with Laurie

Take a breath… and relax with your pets (and the pets of others)…This week we’ll be doing a Chakra Balancing to help us thrive during the wonderful and sometimes stressful Thanksgiving holiday.

wednesdays 8pm et | 5pm pt

​ming + ming meditation teaches you mindfulness techniques to use in your life.

Laurie's meditation style is influenced by nature, animals, and healing through chakras.

Come join us in this gentle + pet inclusive space.

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3:30 PM15:30

Taurus Beaver Supermoon Meditation (Rest to Reset)

Friday, November 15th at 3:30 pm central

This Supermoon may have an edge of frustration to it. If you’re feeling a little untethered… spend some time working with the Earth, making lists to keep organized, or taking a moment to appreciate the people and things in your life that help you through troubled times.

“Today is a big day and full of choices, but we will always be stronger and better together. So let’s keep marching forward in the pursuit of loving ourselves deeper so we can be better at loving each other.”

~ ming + ming

Join us this Friday afternoon for a moment of rest to reset. Take a few deep breaths or meditate for a few minutes and connect with the energy of our group. If you’d like to try a guided mediation, check out the recordings at mingandming.com.

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7:00 PM19:00

ming + ming pet-inclusive meditation with Laurie

Take a breath… and relax with your pets (and the pets of others)…

wednesdays 8pm et | 5pm pt

​ming + ming meditation teaches you mindfulness techniques to use in your life.

Laurie's meditation style is influenced by nature, animals, and healing through chakras.

Come join us in this gentle + pet inclusive space.

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7:00 PM19:00

ming + ming pet-inclusive meditation with Laurie

Take a breath… and relax with your pets (and the pets of others)…

wednesdays 8pm et | 5pm pt

​ming + ming meditation teaches you mindfulness techniques to use in your life.

Laurie's meditation style is influenced by nature, animals, and healing through chakras.

Come join us in this gentle + pet inclusive space.

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7:30 AM07:30

Scorpio New Moon Meditation (Ancestors)

Friday, November 1st at 7:30 am central

This new moon is asking us to look for wisdom from our ancestors.

Are there things that they did that we want to emulate? Are there things that we don’t want to repeat?

A good way to connect to our ancestors during this time of the year is making an Ofrenda. This Mexican tradition of honoring the dead starts by gathering photos of your loved ones and relatives. Decorate a space for the photos with flowers, ribbons, candles and freshly-made or favorite foods.

This allows us to remember, grieve and celebrate those who have helped to shape our lives.

We’ll start our day Friday with the sacred practice of remembering those departed. Sit for a moment or a few minutes and connect with the energy of our group. Perhaps we will feel all of our ancestors with us.

If you would like to take one of our mediation classes on Wednesday or Thursday night in preparation for this powerful new moon, you can sign up at mingandming.com/classes

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12:00 PM12:00

Workshop #13 | Heart Chakra (Guides)

Saturday, October 19th at 12:00 pm central, 10:00 am mountain, 9:00 am pacific and 1:00 pm eastern (90 minutes)

Guidance – some of us use our intuition, logic, our higher power; some of us talk with our ancestors or angels. One thing is for sure, we are not alone when it comes to making decisions and choices.

Why is it so easy to forget that we are guided through life?

We’ll talk about our own personal guides and think about ways we connect with them when we need a nudge in the right direction.

We’ll be connecting on Zoom and working with our Heart Chakras for this workshop.

To create your healing artwork, bring with you the medium of your choice and colors like green, turquoise, lime, pink and white to start with.


Ahimsa means nonviolence. A Warrior is someone who survives again and again. An Ahimsa Warrior is one who can do this nonviolently. Dealing with trauma is challenging, and recovering is a battle we face again and again.

This workshop is intended for those who work for peace within themselves, knowing that it ripples outward to create peace in the world. It is designed to teach us how to channel the energy of our past into artwork that heals.

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8:00 PM20:00

Aries Hunter’s Moon Meditation (Guidance)

Aries’s Hunter’s Moon Meditation (Guidance)

Wednesday, October 16th at 8:00 pm central (9 pm eastern, 7 pm mountain & 6pm pacific)

“You cannot hold the river flow back so you may as well get on the boat and go for the ride.” ~ Lena Stevens, The Power Path

This Supermoon in October is called the Hunter’s Moon. Also known as Drying Rice Moon, Blood Moon or Sanguine Moon.*

It continues to be a time of transition… and we are asked to take responsibility for our well-being (and not expect someone else to fix us). When given the right tools, this task is easy. By the end of the month, you may have changed completely.

Now is a good time to plant the seeds of who we wish to be in the future. Consciously separate from those determined to stay in the fields of negativity, suffering, cynicism and despair…

Where is your energy going?

 * timeanddate.com

Join us for our ming + ming mediation class at 7pm central or for a self-guided mediation at 8pm central. Meditate for as long as you like, and tune into the energy of our group.

If you’d like to listen to a recorded guided meditation, follow the link below.

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7:00 PM19:00

ming + ming pet-inclusive meditation with Laurie

wednesdays (Special Supermoon meditation this Wednesday)

8pm et | 5pm pt

​ming+ming meditation teaches you mindfulness techniques to use in your life.

Laurie's meditation style is influenced by nature, animals, and healing through chakras.

Come join us in this gentle + pet inclusive space.

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1:30 PM13:30

Autumn Libra New Moon & Eclipse Meditation (Rest)

Wednesday, October 2nd, 1:30 pm central

As the energy of the Summer falls back into the earth (to be used for warmth during the winter months), we can slow down a bit to enjoy the harvest of all our work this season.

With Eclipses and the Equinox happening during this time frame, our Autumn New Moon asks us to take a break. Choose to look inward - away from the noise and the whirlwind of life.

Even disconnecting for a few deep breaths can be the reset we need to enjoy this change in season.

Grab a warm drink and join us for a self-guided group meditation. From 1:30 pm to 2:00 pm central (2:30 pm eastern, 12:30 pm mountain & 11:30 am pacific), we’ll meditate at our home, office or wherever we are to bring peace and clarity to our world. Join for a minute, 5 or 20… Meditate at home with the energy of a group.

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7:30 PM19:30

Equinox Meditation (Harmony)

Join us for a grounding self-guided meditation…

The Equinox is about finding balance and equality… finding the things that are discordant in your life and changing them (or releasing) them to play a different note.

Listen to the song of yourself. What is the message behind the music?

The more you know about yourself, the easier it is to stay true to you.

Join us as we listen to the sounds of the Universe and create a space of peace. Meditate at home with the energy of a group - Saturday, September 21st at 8:30 pm eastern, 7:30 pm central, 6:30 pm mountain, and 5:30 pm pacific.

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