Wabi Sabi

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January 2025 Tarot Forecast

1st: New Year’s Day

6th: Triple Goddess Day

14th: Full Wolf Moon in Cancer

29th: New Moon in Aquarius

31st: Disablot


Note: In the forecast below, we revisit the Marseilles tarot deck with our usual spread. With recent readings, my understanding of money has shifted to include other types of wealth. This could look like money, time, energy, access to resources, and earth’s abundance, etc. Thus the money section is now titled “wealth.”


We begin the year at the earliest point in the hero’s journey. This is when we’ll have the greatest clarity and wisdom about what we’re leaving behind, and what we want to pursue. The loss of the old year has a sobering and celebratory effect of retrospection. The year ahead becomes an intentional road map that we have yet to draw. We may not know fully what it looks like, but the past is a helpful resource that can inform us of our values, resources, and resilience. On the 6th, Triple Goddess Day is an excellent opportunity to consider what stage of life we are in (Maiden, Mother, Crone), and how we want to embody it. On the 14th, we experience a Full Wolf Moon in Cancer. We are reminded that the journey ahead of us in 2025 is not a solitary one, but one that considers the health and wellbeing of the entire pack when making our choices. In winter, we slow down to match the pace of the eldest wolf or the injured wolf, to stay together. This is a time to tend to foundational healing, emotional wellbeing and care that will foster our connections and sense of belonging. On the 29th, we’ll have a New Moon in Aquarius. During this phase, we want to consider where we fit in on a higher, visionary scale, in service of humanity and divinity. Finally, on the 31st, Disablot, a Nordic celebration, marks a new season and reaffirms new beginnings. Practitioners seek the blessings of the female spirit for prosperity, fertility and protection in the year ahead. This brings us full circle, reaffirming our choice to close an old chapter to bring in the new. 


Energy of the Month: Ace of Wands ~Spell by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds~


January’s energy is akin to lighting a matchstick and casting it into the dark of the year ahead. It is a powerful initial spark that leads the way that allows us to move forward with confidence. It is the beginning of a vision that keeps us warm, and coming back for more. Alone it is a small perishable flame, but if we build a fire pit with logs, tinder, and paper, it can become an immense bonfire that sustains us for a season or a year. The Ace of Wands helps us reclaim the latent power that is our birthright, by providing it with a conduit, a pathway of manifestation. We are offered a blank slate so we may bring forth the dreams of our raw, unaffected, most authentic self. In our hands, the wand becomes a mighty club we can use to take down our enemies–obstacles, criticism, self doubt. Our passion burns hot and chases away old belief systems and modes of being, leaving only what is desired. With the wand in our hands, we become a music conductor, orchestrating many moving parts to create a masterpiece greater than their sum. Per Tarot of the Holy Light, spirit is recruiting us to higher purpose, and now is the time to respond. 


Love: Reverse Strength (Force) ~Flowers in December by Mazzy Star~


As we engage with Ace of Wands energy, we must take care to protect it from dominant culture. The dominant culture would have us wrangle our will or use force to fashion ourselves into an acceptable norm before we can begin to love ourselves. The punitive perfectionism we may have been taught to use to accomplish these means is not forgiving enough for sustainable change. The Force card (reverse Strength) shows us that we have been conditioned to approach the blank slate in this way, but it also offers another path. We can start with love and self care and seek out what feels pleasurable, rewarding, and good for us, instead of concerning ourselves with quantifiable metrics. In this way, we can celebrate progress, satiety, and engagement. Out of love we may want to push ourselves and fix everything right away, but we know through lived experience that it doesn’t work this way. We have to meet ourselves where we are at, and find what we are innately willing and wanting to do. The lion, our egoic force, has a say in this too. Using the whip to get it to perform circus tricks will cause it to revolt. If we can build a loving relationship with it, that’s what will make it want to stay and work with us.


Wealth: 8 of Wands ~Winter (from the Four Seasons) by Vivaldi~


The wealth we have available to us in January is quick moving and ready to act. At the slightest quiver, a string orchestra hums in support of our act. The expertise with which we orchestrate resources is capable now of yielding spontaneous beauty and manifestation that is visible to, and inspires others. We are reminded that our strengths may not be typically viewed as such, but we are equipped with unique contributions, viewpoints, strategic mindsets, and resourcefulness. When we accept what we are, we are able to harness and focus all our energy into the most efficient means of achieving our goals. Spirit has led us to the point where the orchestra of forces is now in our hands and it is up to us to lead it. This is a period in which we can affect great transformation within and around us, because we are able to see what others can’t. From the outside, we represent freedom of motion and thought, the perfect marriage between the big picture and the small steps that it takes to get there.  


Work: Reverse 3 of Swords ~Quiet, the Winter Harbor by Mazzy Star~


This month, we are encouraged to cut away the aspects of our work that feel unnatural to us. This is less about trying to fit a mold or meet a certain ideal, and more about making space for something more aligned to our interests and talents. When we do this, we change the narrative. There might be an aspect of work perfectly suited to us that we don’t even know about yet. We have to cut the old parts loose to discover what that is. This requires us to let go of old identities. It encourages us to try on radically different ones that might feel strange and foreign at first.This could lead us to fight for what we are grateful for, for what we care about the most. This may be new terrain –a role we must forge. We are not entirely alone in this–our ancestors may have something in mind they’d like to help us with. We can look to and ask for guidance if we feel lost, until we get an understanding for our talents and our part in this role.


Health: Reverse Page of Swords ~A Violent Yet Flammable World by Au Revoir Simone~


It can be helpful to reevaluate our boundaries surrounding health–whether we are enforcing them firmly in the company of others, or whether we are being too strict with ourselves. Are we compassionate with ourselves on our health journey, as we figure things out? Or do we berate ourselves out of a sense of perfectionism? It is important to allow ourselves to be a page, someone who is learning and doesn’t have all the answers. We learn through trial and error, and through practice, rather than avoidance. We can also learn when to keep our sword in a sheath and find spaces in which we can relax and be at ease. We don’t always have to be on the defensive or offensive with the sword, a state which floods our systems with cortisol and keeps us on high alert. This is not an area where we want to be forceful with ourselves (to eat the right foods, exercise the right amount, etc). Instead, we can learn to communicate with our bodies and let them teach us how to meet our needs.


Spirit: 3 of Wands ~A Hazy Shade of Winter by Simon & Garfunkel~


The spirit in January is represented by the three of wands. We have just received an invitation to a new school of magic we never encountered before. In January we find we are complete beginners, uncertain of what awaits us. Luckily, this is not a solitary journey, but one in which we encounter new friends. Each has a unique set of skills and talents that compliments the other and ensures the group’s success. Together, the group can approach the lessons ahead with an animated spirit, inspiring all to stay on track. This is just the beginning, a time to embrace the conceptual part of the journey in which we get to revel in the fun and novelty of it all. Stoking the fire of the beginner spirit allows us to remain to each other, to new people, teachings, ways of life, and reciprocal relationships. Now is a time to immerse in the surrounding community, make the most of our teachers, wonder at our surroundings, and approach the next chapter with a lively spirit. 

 Happy New Year,

Angel Intentions


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