Wabi Sabi

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The Practice of Surrender

Happy New Year!

Our New Year's resolution is to build the ming+ming platform to help you achieve your goals this year.

The theme of surrender has come up a lot in our ming+ming classes recently and it's been a beautiful perspective shift for us.

When we hear the word "surrender," most of us think we need to give up something or we lose something.

Surrendering is the last thing we want to do when we're stressed. It makes us feel like we're losing control.

So instead, we get organized, check our boxes faster, wake up earlier, and multi-task because we're high-achievers, we're doers, and it would take too much time to ask for help. 

But that's exactly what we need to do... ask for and be open to receiving help. 

It feels uncomfortable to surrender and receive help because we're natural givers! It makes us feel good to help others but hard to receive.

But it is necessary to balance the masculine energy of pushing forward and the feminine energy of receiving. 

Sometimes surrendering is prioritizing a yoga class when you'd rather skip it get things done.

Sometimes surrendering is asking a neighbor, family member, or friend to watch the kids so you can take a bath in peace.

Sometimes surrendering is meditating and asking your spirit guides to give you guidance and help you get through a sticky situation.

So if you feel like you're giving a lot this holiday season, we invite you to surrender and receive the love and help that is all around you. 

We got you. You got you.

Ming-Wai + Ming-Cee