Ahimsa means nonviolence. A Warrior is someone who survives. An Ahimsa Warrior is one who can do this nonviolently. Dealing with trauma is challenging, and recovering is a battle we face again and again.
This workshop is intended for people who work for peace within themselves, knowing that it ripples outward to create peace in the world. It is designed to teach us how to channel the energy of our past into artwork that heals.
Our foes…we all have them. The people or things that we do battle with on the regular - be they family, friends, co-workers, clutter… those that challenge and trigger us, keeping us repeating conversations or thinking about what we should’ve done.
Are foes friendly sparring partners or sworn enemies? Can they be both? And can we also be our own greatest foes? What is a foe?
We’ll talk about this topic and make some artwork :)
Our next healing workshop is coming up on Saturday, December 9th at 12 pm central, 1 pm eastern, 11 am mountain and 10 am pacific.
We’ll be working with the Sacral Chakra and starting with orange colors and bright reds, copper tones and metallics. Be sure to bring a journal (or paper) and something to write with as well as the medium of your choice (paint, clay, chalk, pencils, etc.).
Regardless of your artistic ability, when you are working from emotion, each piece will contain a message specifically for you.
A suggested donation of $10 can be paid directly to Ahimsa or to the causes on the Ahimsa Giving page. We understand that trying times may not allow you to donate at all workshops and that’s okay. Just sign up :)
Proceeds from this month’s class will be donated to the Cilla Whatcott Medical Fund. Read more here.