This new moon in Aquarius marks the transition from the Year of the Dragon to the Year of the Snake. The energy coming in is that of flow, change, creativity and rebirth.
”This moon gives us an opening to begin to see through the veil of the past and into a new landscape.” ~ Lena Stevens, the Power Path
The Wood Snake represents transformation and growth and stands firmly in the realms of both feminine and masculine. She is a warrior and can help us determine what stays in the past as we move forward. Like shedding our old skin, we change what needs to be changed and recalibrate.
Join us for a moment of recalibration this Wednesday at 7am central. For the self-guided meditation in the morning, bring a nice cup of something with you as we rest our minds for a few minutes or more. Let your thoughts move past you like clouds and breathe deeply.
If you’d like to join our guided Chakra Balancing at 7pm in the evening (central time), sign up for the Wednesday class at