Ahimsa Warrior Workshop #17 - Earth Chakra (Biophilia - Our innate love of nature)
Saturday, November 23rd at 12:00 pm central, 10:00 am mountain, 9:00 am pacific and 1:00 pm eastern (90 minutes)
Why does a walk through the woods or a relaxing day at the beach feel so good?
Because of Biophilia – our innate love of nature and life. Watching life take place and being out in the fresh air and sunshine is part of our very nature. In an increasingly artificial world, how do we hold onto this magical trait? And how do we use it to our benefit?
We’ll talk about this and make some artwork :)
This workshop, we’ll be activating our Earth chakra.
Bring with you:
The colors of soil, sky, metals, fire and wood
Medium and materials of your choice to work with
A notebook, paper, or journal
Something to write with
Ahimsa Warrior Workshops
Ahimsa means nonviolence. A Warrior is someone who survives... time and time again.
An Ahimsa Warrior is one who can do this nonviolently.
Dealing with trauma is challenging, and recovering is a battle we face again and again.
This workshop is intended for those who work for peace within themselves, knowing that it ripples outward to create peace in the world.
It is designed to teach us how to channel the energy of our past into artwork that heals.