You can't get a degree in parenting before having kids. And even if you could, it wouldn't make you the perfect parent.
Parenting is challenging to say the least, and for the most part, each generation is just trying to do their best for the next.
So despite all the books, the warnings, and the lectures on parenting best practices... nothing could actually prepare us for what we were about to experience.
We assume our parents feel similarly. And their parents before them. We're all just doing the best we can!
But many of us are still healing from inconsistent, controlling, or emotionally unavailable parents.
Many of us are struggling to manage difficult emotions like anger, shame, and people-pleasing tendencies that we learned in childhood.
You weren't born with instructions and so it's time you learn the skills to re-parent yourself!
Our friend and mindful reparenting expert, Bonnie, will guide this interactive 3-hour workshop.
This Mindful Reparenting Workshop is for you if you want to:
Heal from inconsistent, controlling, or emotionally unavailable parents.
Overcome self-doubt, fear, perfectionism, overthinking, low self-worth, and critical self-talk.
Learn to manage difficult emotions like anger, shame, and people-pleasing tendencies.
Develop healthy self-compassion and a strong sense of self-worth.
Break free from emotional reactivity and build healthier coping mechanisms.
Sign up today for $99. And don’t forget, ming+ming members sign up for FREE!
You don’t want to miss this powerful healing opportunity, but if you do, don’t worry, we email you a recording.
We got you. You got you.
Ming-Wai + Ming-Cee
Mindful Reparenting Workshop
noon - 3pm eastern | 9am - noon pacific
$75 before 8/31 ($99 after)
FREE for ming+ming members