ming+ming CHANGE steps:
7. effort + goals
8. reflection
9. your story + our community
When we finally get to the place where we know we need change, we don’t like to wait for it and we want it to happen now. We’ve been conditioned to expect instant gratification but this only sets us up for disappointment when change doesn’t come soon enough.
And because we have been through our own personal growth journeys, we understand that change only occurs when the discomfort becomes bad enough that change is our only option left. And when things are that uncomfortable, we want change to happen immediately.
But if you’ve been following along, you know by now that real, sustainable change only occurs after we have put in the work to understand why we want to change, and what we want to change into. When deeper meaning supports our desire to change, then the slow progression, the upkeep, and the continual investment shifts from “having to” to “wanting to.”
And that is the secret to making this journey less uncomfortable, less overwhelming, and increases the longevity of our success.
The ming+ming CHANGE steps are the steps that will allow you to face the challenges that come with doing things differently for the first time.
These steps remind you of your new found perspective and helps you start rewriting what was once your limiting beliefs.
These steps give you the opportunity to see where else you have been holding yourself back.
It’s in these steps that you fully realize the power you hold within to heal, grow and create a life you truly enjoy.
It is in these CHANGE steps that you will experience the results of showing up for yourself consistently. It’s where you begin to experience the benefits to all the hard work you’ve put in so far. It is here that you will realize what you once thought impossible for yourself was only a lack of understanding of what was holding you back. You will discover what you are truly capable of and the value that you alone bring to this world.
As you continue to experience these new shifts (big and small) and the more time you have to reflect on how far you have come, you begin to embrace a whole new meaning to life. What you once thought you “had to do” will transition into what you “want to do” and that will allow you to make the real, sustainable changes to start enjoying the life you work so hard to create.
With love,
Ming-Wai + Ming-Cee
our tool for the CHANGE steps are the ming+ming 11 steps.
Let us explain…
When we first admitted to ourselves that we were not enjoying the lives we’d been working so hard to create, we felt guilty, ashamed and confused as to why.
As we’ve started our own healing journeys, we now realize that we’ve unknowingly created habits that have disconnected ourselves from who we are and our needs.
From a young age, we developed people-pleasing skills to keep the peace.
We were conditioned to prioritize how others viewed us before we had a chance to check in with ourselves.
We were told in subtle, yet consistent ways that we weren’t good enough and we had to keep performing to prove our worth.
We took on roles and identities that made us look great on the outside, but empty and discontent on the inside.
We finally realized the root cause of our unhappiness was because we didn't really know ourselves so we couldn’t fulfill our own needs.
We knew real, sustainable change had to start with ourselves, but where and how? We had spent our entire lives training to do everything “right,” so how could we be so lost?
The ming+ming 11 steps came to us organically as we turned our attention inside and began to peel away our facade so we could understand our emotions. Learning to respond to them instead of just reacting to them.
It’s through the 11 steps that we learned that NOTHING was wrong with us, we had just found our work. We were discovering the work it takes to heal, discover ourselves, and to live authentically.
The 11 steps allows us to find the deeper understanding of where we are on our journeys, and to stay focused on what small changes will give us the biggest impact and the most relief from our struggles.
It allows us to change at our own pace in our own way.
It keeps the noise of comparison down.
The ming+ming 11 steps teaches us HOW to change and we know they work because we use them over and over again. Real, sustainable, lasting change is a process, not a destination.
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